Ask Randy-


Dear ONE:

My lover and I have been married six months. We have enjoyed best of all that LET'S PUSH HOMOPHILE MARRIAGE article last summer. Randy Lloyd is right, there isn't enough written for us married gay couples, and the other couples here say the same thing.

We've got a little problem. In the old days I would have written Dr. Baker, but now she is gone. The little problem might seem silly to some, but I know she wouldn't have thought so. Anyway, the problem is that likes to sleep real warm. He just piles the covers on. I'm sure that is very unhealthy. But he says he can't sleep any other way. And I suffocate and feel lousy the next morning. One night I reached over and found out he had pajamas on. So the next morning I got them after he had gone to work and threw them down the incinerator, just like I had told him I would do if he ever wore pajamas. So then he got mad, and


now he wants twin beds. That is even worse than pajamas.

Like I said, most people would probably think our little problem is silly, but it sure isn't. He's still mad and keeps talking about those twin beds. Now, I know if we get twin beds we're not going to last till the water gets hot. I just know. And I'm afraid one of these nights I'll come home and find he's gone out and just bought two twin beds. It'd be just like him.

Where do gay married people go, like when the straight married ones go to a marriage counselor? There should be some place. I don't know who else to write but you. Anyway, keep up the good work.

Dear B. G.:

B. G.

New Orleans, La.

My immediate response to your problem was "Why not one of those dual-control electric blankets?" The only objection to that which

could have that I can see would be